Japanese Emoticons  

Posted by Ezequiel Leversee

Do you want to put typo emoticon in your post? I noticed many people always apply those emoticons in their posts such like :D, =D, and etc. But do you know Japanese styled emoticons? Well, let me explain. Their function is same only. The difference between the Japanese emoticons and the normal Internet smileys is that the Japanese ones are read vertically and the normal ones are read horizontally. The Japanese ones are usually used with the parenthesis but it depends on how you like more, with or without them. Here are some emoticons, just learn them and use in your own blog, sites like Friendster or Facebook or boards like forum that you visit.

For your information, the symbols shown in the picture chart perhaps are not availble with certain font. Anyway, you can try to play with font in your own blog or sites. =P And HAVE FUN yeah!!!

This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 18, 2008 and is filed under , , . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .



i believe this guy who wrote this blog with super talented font esque would conquer the world! *prepare urself for DARK KNIGHT (july)^"^ with mo emoticons!!

*do ^"^ look like batman?.hauhaua