Yoooooooooooo!!! I'm back again after a while! XD I don't know what I wanna write about... so I let myself flowing in a time stream until I read this recent post: How to Make New Friend with Deaf Person in Selina's Wing.Thus something "flashy" popped out in my mind. I should mention how the hearing people reacted when the deaf person is trying to communicate with the hearing person or the deaf person is chatting with the deaf person.
After my schoolhood which I was kept "ALIVE" at home and for tuition for 14 years, I had made some discoveries on how the hearing people reacted towards the deaf culture. I found out that some of the incident I encountered turned into a funny eventful ones. XD Oh yes, I didn't know how to communicate with the hearing people at the first time. It's because I never see how my friends communicate with the hearing people. At that moment, I had have myself to figure out a way on how to communicate with the hearing people.
I was enjoying the first time although I feel weird in the way I communicated with the hearing people. Well, until now on, I noticed that there are some kind of situations which showed how the hearing person encounters the deaf person.
I know that there are still a plenty of the hearing people are not getting used to the deaf culture. I have seen how the different people reacted when communicating with the deaf person and me. Some are interested in learning sign languages. Some are interested in how they going on with their life. Some are hardly to understand what we are trying to convert our talking by using sign language. To communicate with the deaf person, you need a lot of patience, tolerance, understanding and time indeed. Soon or later, you will be adapted with their lifestyle. I'm sure you will enjoy it so much. ^_^v
After my schoolhood which I was kept "ALIVE" at home and for tuition for 14 years, I had made some discoveries on how the hearing people reacted towards the deaf culture. I found out that some of the incident I encountered turned into a funny eventful ones. XD Oh yes, I didn't know how to communicate with the hearing people at the first time. It's because I never see how my friends communicate with the hearing people. At that moment, I had have myself to figure out a way on how to communicate with the hearing people.
I was enjoying the first time although I feel weird in the way I communicated with the hearing people. Well, until now on, I noticed that there are some kind of situations which showed how the hearing person encounters the deaf person.
When the deaf person is ordering for a meal, it depends on how old the cashier/waiter is.. Young hearing people could understand faster but sometimes confused. Older hearing people are much slower in understanding. For example, if there are no menu on the counter desk or table, the deaf person have to give out some hand gesture (yet it's non-official sign language) to tell the cashier what they want to order. it often happens when I go to KFC or McDonald restaurant. Sometimes they give wrong meal to me..... -___-
When the deaf person is in a lounge or a cafe or a public space, the hearing people would be curious. Haha, does it sound weird to you? But that is how they talked. In my college time, there was no enough space which caused my deaf friend and me have to sit between a hearing friend. We chatted and suddenly my hearing friend laughed. We become puzzled and he told us he never seen the sign language before. We also laughed because we knew the sign language is something that people don't see so easily in public.
I know that there are still a plenty of the hearing people are not getting used to the deaf culture. I have seen how the different people reacted when communicating with the deaf person and me. Some are interested in learning sign languages. Some are interested in how they going on with their life. Some are hardly to understand what we are trying to convert our talking by using sign language. To communicate with the deaf person, you need a lot of patience, tolerance, understanding and time indeed. Soon or later, you will be adapted with their lifestyle. I'm sure you will enjoy it so much. ^_^v

Dated back to 17th July 2008 which has become a memorial day to my ex-classmate, Mastura and Nurhanif, my godbrother, I attended their wedding luncheon together with my friends, Amir, Chyuan Wen, Sue and Calvin plus Michael and Daphne on that day. But Michael and Daphne was just tagging with the car Amir drove because Michael didn't know how to go there.
Actually I stayed in KL for 2 days there. Skipped what I did before the day of their wedding, their wedding luncheon is located at the hall somewhere in village-like area near Kuala Lumpur. Their wedding plan was very simple and plain though there was minor distortion in their plan but no one become panicked (I noticed)... Luckily the plan was not completely ruined!
Thanks to their wedding, I was able to meet a few of my ex-classmates. Although there are not many ex-classmates attending, I was still glad to see them again. I also managed to chat with them for a while and learned what they are currently doing in their life. Hope they are doing good!

Again, I congratulate Mastura and Nurhanif on their marriage. Hope their marriage would be blessed with long life happiness and joy!
FYI, I noticed that most of my Malay friends and schoolmates are getting married this year. =_=lll This is the third couple! Who will be the next ones?!
As you know, I have been not updating or creating any new post on my blog for 88 days... I'm apologizing to the readers who keep checking my blog but leaving with disappointment. Well, there was not much happening around me. So that's why I left my blog abandoned due to nothing happened in my life! Sigh*** >_< See, I was working mostly of my time and staying at home. Then you know why there is such no happening around me! =P
Recently, I have been given surprises by 2 friends who complimented my blog. I am really and truly thankful to them - Lee Tur Chung and Leon Lim for reading my "useless and trashy" blog. Hehe... According to them, I should keep getting my blog be alive still and still. I was very touched although my blog has not been updated until today! It was beyond my expectation! O_O
Readers, I will try my best to update my blog as soon as possible. But I have been wondering, "What do the reader like to read about? Or what do the reader want me to write on my blog? More about my personal life? Less about general stuff or happening?" Perhaps I should create a poll to confirm and point out of my curiosity. ^_^
Recently, I have been given surprises by 2 friends who complimented my blog. I am really and truly thankful to them - Lee Tur Chung and Leon Lim for reading my "useless and trashy" blog. Hehe... According to them, I should keep getting my blog be alive still and still. I was very touched although my blog has not been updated until today! It was beyond my expectation! O_O
Readers, I will try my best to update my blog as soon as possible. But I have been wondering, "What do the reader like to read about? Or what do the reader want me to write on my blog? More about my personal life? Less about general stuff or happening?" Perhaps I should create a poll to confirm and point out of my curiosity. ^_^
So far as all of you know, Firebox 3 is now all set to reach new territories, and also being on the way to its glory. With its new development into new version, it aims to create a world record for the most number of software downloads in a single day. Mozilla is surely on its way to create the record and so, this campaign namely Download Day 2008 is pledging me and you to download Firefox 3 and spread Firefox 3 around our friends!
As the record show in World Chart,our country, Malaysia has reached almost 120,000 downloads. Wow, it's really quite many people support on using Firefox. Why it's so? It's because Firefox has increased security, blinding speed and cool new features that will change the way you use the Web! Not only that, Firefox 3 with more than 15,000 improvements, Firefox 3 is now faster, safer and smarter than before.
To show the world that I helped to support Firefox 3 by setting a Guinness World Record, I would like to present my very own personalized Firefox 3 Download Day certificate!

(Sweating...) What the heck?! 65%! Oh noo, I thought it should be around 40% since I'm not that blogging freak like Selina.. I only seldom do blogging, not like Selina often do blogging almost every day. Anyway, I know how much I'm that addicted to blogging! Hehe!
But it's not my fault.. I can't think of any interesting fact or story. I only do blogging immediately once I saw event or something happened in front of my sight. Haha mostly of things around me is experiencing a slow pace so there are not much interesting events recently... I'm "home geek" Hehehe...
P/S: Hey Selina, you should try to answer this quiz. I bet you 'd get more than 80% addicted to blogging. =P
But it's not my fault.. I can't think of any interesting fact or story. I only do blogging immediately once I saw event or something happened in front of my sight. Haha mostly of things around me is experiencing a slow pace so there are not much interesting events recently... I'm "home geek" Hehehe...
P/S: Hey Selina, you should try to answer this quiz. I bet you 'd get more than 80% addicted to blogging. =P
Last weekend, my friends and I had attended the wedding luncheon that was held by my friends, Asmak and Alex Tai, who is now known as Amirul Hakim Tai. So we have to gathered at the Penang Jetty to get board on the ferry to Butterworth before leaving to Kuantan on bus. We were told that bus will be coming by 10pm and then we left.
We took the bus named Utama. I heard this name for the first time. I really didn't know how good this bus was! On the way, I couldn't sleep well as I was sitting on a very first row of seats which I can see the road clearly and the lights from the cars flashing towards me in the opposite direction. The flashing lights were really bothersome which caused I had to wake up a few times.
And also the bus always stop at certain spot many times. D*mn the old driver, always need to pee >_his journey took us 9 hours to reach Kuantan! @_@ My friends said the service provided by this bus was the worst. Hahahaha... I agree too.. =P Anyway at last stop, I saw a beautiful scene - sunrise from the hill.. Ooops, I forgot to take photo as I was too tired to take photo. Somemore, my camera was in my backpack. No energy to take out my camera... X_X

Then Sammi Teoh came and picked us from there. She dropped us off at Asmak's house since she was not ready yet and she has to pick Jeannie Mah and Lisa Lim from the bus terminal at 1pm again. We were alright with that decision and stayed at Asmak's house chatting and waiting for other friends to arrive. Soon as the ceremony has officially began, many friends arrived. We were glad to meet them and some new friends. =D

For me, whose the flight time has changed to Sunday due to the stupid system of Firefly's, I have to stay at Sammi Teoh for a night. Jeannie and Lisa joined as well. So we visited Carrefour - East Coast Mall with other friends until other friends leaving to Penang at night later. After sending other friends off to the bus terminal, we had our "Father's Day" dinner at Sushi King restaurant. -_- since I was only the guy but the youngest among us, so I was considered like a father to them for a day!

Before sending us to home, Sammi brought us to visit her school. It is a small school. Not like our Penang FSD, it is very systematic which the pupils know what to do. Very much better than the pupils in Penang FSD who are naughty! We talked to a teacher and learnt that the teachers are very friendly. They act like friend to the pupils.
Ok, we reached the Sultan Ahmad Shah. We chatted and took some photo of ourselves. Suddenly a crazy guy approached us and we ignored him. =_= Luckily he didn't bother us so much. Ahh, it was my time to say farewell to them and Kuantan before leaving on Firefly.. Sigh** =P And I was so endlessly tired after the journey. =_=;
OH yeah, here's the photo ablum : Kuantan if you wish to see more of photos!
Whonever doesn't know this famous characters, then she/he is a sore loser! Hey, those characters are really getting famous nowadays. Even on MSN as emoticons... Many people like using those emoticons on MSN.. Impossible as if you still don't know about those emoticons exisiting. There are many different expressions of Onion Head emoticons. You will notice those characters appearing on the conversation screen when you are chatting with friends. For sure...

If not for my god sister, Angel Chin, I won't know that there have an offical website for Onion Head. All thanks to her! Well, it's Onion Club website where you can download emoticons, avatar and wallpapers for Free of Charge (FOC). This website perhaps will be often updated with new emoticon, avatar and wallpaper. I love 'em and I downloaded all. Hehehe... Very cute and adorable! Besides that, there are comic columns available as well. If you feel bored, you also can take part in forum as well but you need to register first. You may share your own opinions related to Onion.
I like those characters. Before noticing this website, I thought this character designs are non-human and I couldn't think what it resembles like... Now i know it's Onion Head. Hehe.. To me, it don't resemble Onion so much except for its color, white with brown. =P The male main character's name is Abo while the female one is Meiya, a close friend to Abo. I doubt she may be more than a close friend, perhaps she has a crush on Abo. Hehe. Ah, there is also a new character named Greaser who is an arch-enemy to Abo. But it's not much known about this new character.
If you are bored with Onion Head and wanna try on other character, I recommend you may seek for Yoyo & Cici (Monkeys), Plush (Heyhey Pig) or Pacoo. Where's the wesbite url? Here's the Cute Factor. Similiar to Onion Club website, their website also consists of emoticons and wallpapers.

Have fun yeah! And if you like this post, please do subscribe to my RSS feed and you will be updated with any new post in future. Thanks a lot!

If not for my god sister, Angel Chin, I won't know that there have an offical website for Onion Head. All thanks to her! Well, it's Onion Club website where you can download emoticons, avatar and wallpapers for Free of Charge (FOC). This website perhaps will be often updated with new emoticon, avatar and wallpaper. I love 'em and I downloaded all. Hehehe... Very cute and adorable! Besides that, there are comic columns available as well. If you feel bored, you also can take part in forum as well but you need to register first. You may share your own opinions related to Onion.

If you are bored with Onion Head and wanna try on other character, I recommend you may seek for Yoyo & Cici (Monkeys), Plush (Heyhey Pig) or Pacoo. Where's the wesbite url? Here's the Cute Factor. Similiar to Onion Club website, their website also consists of emoticons and wallpapers.

Have fun yeah! And if you like this post, please do subscribe to my RSS feed and you will be updated with any new post in future. Thanks a lot!
Do you want to put typo emoticon in your post? I noticed many people always apply those emoticons in their posts such like :D, =D, and etc. But do you know Japanese styled emoticons? Well, let me explain. Their function is same only. The difference between the Japanese emoticons and the normal Internet smileys is that the Japanese ones are read vertically and the normal ones are read horizontally. The Japanese ones are usually used with the parenthesis but it depends on how you like more, with or without them. Here are some emoticons, just learn them and use in your own blog, sites like Friendster or Facebook or boards like forum that you visit.

For your information, the symbols shown in the picture chart perhaps are not availble with certain font. Anyway, you can try to play with font in your own blog or sites. =P And HAVE FUN yeah!!!

But, that's not what I talked about. In a cyber world, Safari refers to a web browser that is developed by Apple Inc. and included the style of Mac OS X. It is known as the fastest, easiest-to-use web browser in the world. Since it's first released in 2003, the percent of usage sharing on Safari has been climbing up again and again.
Like to other existing browser such as FireFox, Internet Explorer, and etc, Safari do provides common feature to its browser. However, some of these features are classified as the typical ones while it also adds some uniqueness to the browser.

• A tabbed browsing interface that allows dragging tabs to reorder them by moving them between windows or creating new windows.
• A bookmark management scheme reminiscent of the iTunes jukebox software
• A resizeable web-search box in the toolbar, using Google or Yahoo!
• History and bookmark search including search of content in history pages
• Pop-up ad blocking
• History and bookmark search including search of content in history pages
• As-you-type text search
• Spell-checking for all text entry fields
• Expandable text entry boxes, which can be resized by the user to make entering long text easier
• Automatic filling in of web forms
• Built-in password management via Keychain
• Functionality for subscribing to and reading web feeds
• Quartz-style font-smoothing, even on Windows
• Integration of Apple's Quicktime multimedia technology
• Support for user-specified style sheets
• A bookmark management scheme reminiscent of the iTunes jukebox software
• A resizeable web-search box in the toolbar, using Google or Yahoo!
• History and bookmark search including search of content in history pages
• Pop-up ad blocking
• History and bookmark search including search of content in history pages
• As-you-type text search
• Spell-checking for all text entry fields
• Expandable text entry boxes, which can be resized by the user to make entering long text easier
• Automatic filling in of web forms
• Built-in password management via Keychain
• Functionality for subscribing to and reading web feeds
• Quartz-style font-smoothing, even on Windows
• Integration of Apple's Quicktime multimedia technology
• Support for user-specified style sheets
My colleague, Farid said Safari is the best and fastest browser, so I tried installing Safari on my computer. And Safari really give a pretty good performance. From what I see on Safari, it is really fast and more secured with a pop-up blocker. Plus a simple interface. Many features are really great included tabbed browsing, autofill and bookmark management. However, I noticed it lacks advanced security and customization setting which there is no way to customize default search engine.
Still I prefer using FireFox over Safari. =P Now my computer has three kinds of web browser. FireFox, Internet Explorer and Safari. Am I crazy? Hehe but I usually use FireFox mostly. But I think that having many browsers also turned out to my advantage which allows me to log in Facebook, or Friendster with different account. Hehe
I found this interesting fact from ConsumerSearch.com. So I wanna list this fact in my blog so that all of you know what's what about them.
Best all-purpose browser. Reviews indicate that the Firefox web browser is an ideal combination of performance and security, suitable for nearly anyone from pleasure shopper to power user. Critics praise its usability, lean size, lack of ActiveX security holes and convenient features, including tabbed browsing, pop-up blocking, an RSS reader, download manager, password manager, automatic updates, customized searching and a tweakable interface (themes). A vast number of extensions -- which add functions like better eBay searches and form filling -- are also available. Firefox runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms. The next generation Firefox browser is nearing the end of its beta testing, with a final version due out this summer.
Most secure browser. Though reviewers generally prefer other Windows browsers, all agree that the current version of Internet Explorer is vastly more secure than its predecessors and a leader in that regard. Features include security management (including ActiveX opt-out), a URL parser to block malware and advanced anti-phishing technology. Internet Explorer is also the first and only browser to be billed as EV-ready, a high-level designation regarding the browser's ability to protect against phishing attacks, though the next generation of other browsers are also expected to have that capability.
Still I prefer using FireFox over Safari. =P Now my computer has three kinds of web browser. FireFox, Internet Explorer and Safari. Am I crazy? Hehe but I usually use FireFox mostly. But I think that having many browsers also turned out to my advantage which allows me to log in Facebook, or Friendster with different account. Hehe
I found this interesting fact from ConsumerSearch.com. So I wanna list this fact in my blog so that all of you know what's what about them.

So, what is your preference on web browser usage? And what's your opinion? Hehe..
Ah... There is 6th member in my family?! What the heck? My mother can't give birth to any more.. My brother is not married yet. How come? Oh, my sister adopt a cute pup... It is considered as 6th member in my family.. Hehe okay, let me introduce this cute pup to you all.

Its body is coated with the color of salt and pepper, which makes it look adorable plus its uncropped ears and docked tail. Its fur is very soft and neat, I always stroke its body fur. It's very comfortable.. Hehe..
Anyway, Scotii attach to my sister, it would dock her to anywhere in house. Scotii is very loyal to its master. But to me, it always bite me T_T... My parents and brother always try to get closer to it but can't win its heart. Hehe... Nevermind, it's only 3 months old. Perhaps it's not getting familiar with us yet. It only came to our house last week.
Anyway hopefully, it can be source of happiness in my family. Welcome to my family, Scotti.. (Only if Scotii knows how to online.. Hehe)
Today my colleague send this video to me, saying this video is very interesting and entertaining. So I watched this video. Oh wow... It's Big Buck Bunny, a short comedy story, is about a well-tempered big rabbit, "Big Buck" launching a war against the forest bullies: three naughty small rodents as Big Buck finds his day spoiled and jeopardized by the rude actions of three naughty small rodents. I feel pain in my tummy when I was watching this silly war. Hehehe..

Wow, this story is presented with a great 3D animation. In my opinion, this 3D can be compared to Pixar. Definitely in an equally level. When I first watched this video, I was shocked until my jaws almost dropped.. Hehe..I think it's in par with a lot of current computer animated films being produced by Hollywood. It is really so professionally done in 3D animation.
I heard that it is said that BBB is not only developed by an animator community using open source software Blender but also distributed under an open license that gives artists free access to the entire studio database of assets and files used to make the movie.
-Quoted from Ton Roosendaal, a producer Blender Institute director-
The Primary intent of the movie was to stimulate the development of open source 3D software, but the quality of BBB on an artistic level as well as on technical ingenuity is what you would expect from large animation studios.
See this video below:
If you are interested, you might purchase the DVD set at Blender Store for $52. By purchasing the DVD, you will help supporting the continued development of Blender and other future films.
Oh ya, if you wish to know the current news, you can follow its current news at Big Buck Bunny.
Oh ya, if you wish to know the current news, you can follow its current news at Big Buck Bunny.

-Quated from Final Fantasy Wikia-
Along with Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Agito XIII for the mobile phone and Final Fantasy Versus XIII, an action game for Playstation 3 made by the Kingdom Hearts team, make up three facets of the overall project known as Fabula Nove Crystallis: Final Fantasy XIII.
According to Square Enix, Final Fantasy XIII is neither a prequel or a sequel to Final Fantasy Agito XIII or Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Square Enix has explained that although all three games take place in same universe, they are not directly related.

Final Fantasy XIII focus on "those who resist the world"
Cocoon is an air city which has been created by the Crystals in order to be protected by machines. Being in peace for many years, the inhabitants of Cocoon are very fearful and are afraid of everything from outside of Cocoon and above all what comes from the dark region. Also the operational "strange" organization" are feared by the denizens of Cocoon.
Recent contact with those from the world below, called Pulse have caused people to question one another and their ways of life. Due to this disturbance, the government of Cocoon have decided to exile those who show signs of coming in contact with the world of Pulse.
One Crystal looked for itself a woman, who should destroy this world and its inhabibants. One believes that this woman will lead the world to its downfall. Her name is Lightning, you must remember her name! Hehehe

Whoa! It will be going to be the huge projects, not only with one entry but several titles instead! Final Fantasy Agito XIII... Final Fantasy Versus XIII... and a rumored Final Fantasy Haeresis XIII... @_@ According to the trustworthy source, Final Fantasy XIII will bring into a new development on the level of civilization unlike the previous Final Fantasy. As the PS3 is a new hardware, it is quite a challenge for the designers as they have to make the environment and characters' appearances will look far more redefined in this game!
Hmm, I don't know so far much about the current development, why not we wait and see what it would look like. This game is believed to be released in the end of this year or next year. =( I dont have enough money to buy PS3 and my elder bro asked me to sponsor him to buy PS3... He thinks I'm rich T_T
Fail to send such heavy files like videos or a complete set of photos via emails or messenger? But you wish and need to share something with family, relatives, friends or business partners who are in long distance... Here's a suitable site for you..It's RapidShare! Have you heard about it or used it before?

With RapidShare, you can upload several files up to the maximum of 100 Megabytes and of course it is easy and secure! You can upload any kind of file format... A compressed folder with a set of photos... Videos... Ooh if the video is too big, you can split this video into a few part. I recommend you to use this application, HJSplit to split the video.

RapidShare allows any user to upload files of up to 100 MB, then would be supplied with an unique download URL which enables anyone with whom the uploader shares it to download the file. Searching the server for content is not available. So the URL is needed if anyone wants to download.
RapidShare states that they have 240 gigabytes of Internet connectivity and 4.5 petabytes of storage for users. O_O Really a big storage! Guess they have earned a lot from premium users and that's why they have a large server... Hehehe..
For non-paying users are required to wait, depends on how much megabytes of file you were previously download before the next download becomes available and CAPTCHA validation is required. CAPTCHA is displayed as up to warped alphanumeric characters, each with a dog or a cat overlapped them, so the user has to type in the 4 letters with the cat on them.
If you don't wish to wait, you may register and pay for premium account that would provide you some good benefits such as download of several files simultaneously, queue-skipping and the facility to interrupt and re-start downloads. Every premium account is limited to a maximum of 25,000 megabytes within a five day period, as way to prevent account sharing especially using "RapidLeech" sites.
Besides that, RapidShare also activates a "Happy Hour" which consists no CAPTCHA codes and no waiting time if the servers have enough bandwidth to spare. The "Happy Hour" are not often available for whole day but only available at certain time.
By 3rd June 2008, RapidShare have launched a newly designed website with a better layout plus a new logo and favicon as RapidShare has promised to update its site to 'Improve the site and usability'. RapidShare also has doubled the download volume for premium users that they can now download 50 gigabytes within 5 days instead of 25 gigabytes!
I never upload files to RapidShare before but I sometimes download files from this RapidShare. Hmm, it is a good site indeed and much useful for people who wants to share some files with people in far distance there.. Hey guys, why not trying this site? I think it's really a worth of trying this!
If you think YouTube is not enough good, then try this site, and I am sure you will fall for it. Hmm, remember I mentioned about it in the previous post, Engine Sentai GoOnger? Yeah, this is Veoh, I meant! =D Well, similar to YouTube, Veoh hosts a broader selection of network television content and of course allows people to view and watch the full episodes of shows up to 30 minutes.

For people who prefers Veoh content in a "lean back" viewing mode, Veoh offers VeohTV Beta which a peer-to-peer based software application that enables viewing in a high-quality, remote-controllable environment. Videos from any website can be downloaded and saved for later viewing.

Watch full-length episodes from CBS, NBC, YouTube, MySpace, Google, Yahoo and thousands of other sources.
Finding something to watch is easy. Simply use the TV-style guide, or search via keywords. You can even use a remote control.
As you use VeohTV, it learns what you like and automatically recommends video to you.
Start watching videos in less than two minutes, completely free-of-charge.
Download VeohTV now!
Ah, from today on, Veoh is no longer available in Malaysia. Veoh is being blocked in Malaysia without proper reason. I wish Veoh would be available in Malaysia once again. Let us sail the paper boat on the river in order to bid farewell to Veoh...
Still, I feel Veoh is really a great site. Hope Veoh will be back to Malaysia some day. Let us together speak loudly, "Veoh, please come back to Malaysia!!!"
As you use VeohTV, it learns what you like and automatically recommends video to you.

Download VeohTV now!
Ah, from today on, Veoh is no longer available in Malaysia. Veoh is being blocked in Malaysia without proper reason. I wish Veoh would be available in Malaysia once again. Let us sail the paper boat on the river in order to bid farewell to Veoh...
Still, I feel Veoh is really a great site. Hope Veoh will be back to Malaysia some day. Let us together speak loudly, "Veoh, please come back to Malaysia!!!"
A few months ago, I was introduced to this site by my best friend, Selina Ooi - thanks to her who knows my hobbies better, hehe =P. Well, this site is nothing really but being a special corner to people who loves reading manga. It also applies on anime freak. Anime comes mostly from manga, rite? =D It's OneManga, the home of Manga!
And wow, this site is really great as it consists a large collection of famous and known manga(s) that are currently running over the world. Such like One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Detective Conan, Fairy Tail and so on.... you can find your favourite manga from the library to read. And yeah, this site is often being updated every day or week. =o
To me, it is really an ideal site for me to fill in the air of boredness here. I always visit this site every day to check whether my favourite manga(s) got updated with its new chapter or not. My best friend, Selina Ooi often says I'm manga freak... Hahaha.. What to do...I got nothing to do so I read manga to get rid of my boredness. =P
Besides that, a forum exists on this site, it's where you can request manga that is not listed in this site or discuss about certain manga(s) or make friend. You need to register to log in the forum.
Apart from forum on this site, it also creates a very own game section. It is being sponsored by GamesCampus. Hepling to support OneManga, you need to sign up for and play the games that are available on this page. You also can shop on this site as well. There are all the currently available manga(s) for sale.
I strongly recommend you who are manga freak to visit this site, OneManga. Don't worry, it is FREE of course. =D Enjoy this site ya.

To me, it is really an ideal site for me to fill in the air of boredness here. I always visit this site every day to check whether my favourite manga(s) got updated with its new chapter or not. My best friend, Selina Ooi often says I'm manga freak... Hahaha.. What to do...I got nothing to do so I read manga to get rid of my boredness. =P
Besides that, a forum exists on this site, it's where you can request manga that is not listed in this site or discuss about certain manga(s) or make friend. You need to register to log in the forum.
Apart from forum on this site, it also creates a very own game section. It is being sponsored by GamesCampus. Hepling to support OneManga, you need to sign up for and play the games that are available on this page. You also can shop on this site as well. There are all the currently available manga(s) for sale.
I strongly recommend you who are manga freak to visit this site, OneManga. Don't worry, it is FREE of course. =D Enjoy this site ya.
Back to Chinese New Year period, I visited one of my former teachers and I was told that many deafs had often made complaint to school for being unable to get work and asked school to help them out. The teachers were rather annoyed with their pessimistic and negative attitude. They rather expect the deafs to be more independent on their own when they are no more staying in school life.
If you can't meet the field that make you like it yet, why not going to college or university? It at least, will help you to discover what your likeness or fondness hidden within your heart. It will also help you to make up and confirm with your real objection and start your adventure in commercial world. Don't afraid, it's not embarrassing to continue studies after school life. It just help to widen your knowledge and to improve your interactive with commercial world.
If you have meet your likeness on certain field but the environment in work place don't suit you, try to learn adapt yourself with the environment. The deafs always has unique ability, which is able to adapt themselves in everywhere when they are making new friend. Commit yourself to your work place for 2 - 3 years then you can change to other company. DON'T even resign immediately after you've just started working in one place.
If you come back to school and seek help from after a period you being unable to find job, it's REALLY embarrassing because you can't prove you are really independent. The school's responsibility is only educate and teach you, not become your search engine. Finding job got many ways. Going to company to apply... Searching job on Internet... Finding the available vacancy from advertisement on the newspaper.
If you think the low - life job such as cleaner, car polisher is insulting and embarrassing, please throw your negative attitude away and be an optimistic person. Every job is really clean and considered "HALAL". Finding or hunting for a job is NOT a crime at all. I admit, drug trafficker is really a dead sinful crime. But no one asked you to try this, right? Just find the appropriated job that suit with your likeness.
For the deafs who are jobless or unemployed or needed a job, you can try searching in this website following :
Heed my advice!! Thanks a lot!
Get yourself a Picnik. Its not a picnic la... =P What I mean is an online image editor where you can edit your photo. If your computer don't have software Photoshop or whatever related to edit photo and you are getting headache, don't worry, you only need to online and access this website, Picnik.

I found that it is very good and useful especially when you are in emergency. Similiar to the software Photoshop, this website also provides the tools to aid you editing the photos. You can rotate, crop, resize or sharpen the photos. Besides that, you also can re-balance the color, or make the photo contrast. Not only playing with colors, the effects are available to play with colors as well.
What's more is you can drag your photos directly from Facebook, Myspace, Flickr, Photobucket and etc beside from your computer. No need to open your album in Facebook or any sites that mentioned above in order to save to your computer. It's easier and faster, right? =>
I recommend this site for whose is not essentially a designer such like housewives and common workers. If your computer can't be installed with Photoshop, Picnik will be more useful for you. =>
Enjoy it ya..
Ah, hello, I'm back after time being. Sorry for abandoning you readers and not updating my blog for a week or more as I was waiting for my friends to send the photos of National Park.
Our Little Green Pocket, PENANG NATIONAL PARK
The Penang National Park (Taman Negara Pulau Pinang) is one of the few natural forested areas left on the island. It is also currently the world's smallest national park.
The Park is located at the north-western corner of Penang Island on what resembles the side profile of a face, hence the name Muka Head. With 1181 hectares of forest and 1381 hectares of wetlands, the Park's ecosystem is a diversity of habitats with hills, sandy and rocky beaches, streams and coastal forests - representing much of the natural habitats of Penang.

Well, two weeks ago, I went to National Park with my former colleagues; Eng Keng, Ezzah, Juliet and Sue plus their new colleague; Jean. Though Muka Head is famous attraction, but we confirmed our destination at Kerachut Beach.
Upon our arrival at National Park, we registered our name with the management office to collect the entry ticket and made some preparation like emptying our bladder (hehehe especially for girls) and checking any stuffs to bring together and camera. Nearby the management office, the sea with the fisherman village and boats can be seen from there. Around 11am, we started venturing through National Park.
The journey in the early route was very,very tough and tiring for us especially Sue who went pale and white like a dead corpse. >_< The trails in an early route was very difficult and tough as we had to climb up the high heightened rocky stairs. Through the trails, we can see a few of streams. There also have some of the tracks that challenged us which forced we to walk over the deep crack. So we have to be careful when walking across it!
Instead of taking the track direct to Kerachut Beach, we took the track to Meromictic Lake which is located at Kerachut Beach. So it is convenient for us to go from Meromictic Lake. It is really an ideal place where we can have our lunch there!

Opposite to the Meromictic Lake, it is Kerachut Beach. Ahh, it has a beautiful stretch of white rocky beach. Rocky shores act as natural breakwaters, being frequently subjected to high winds and crashing waves. That explained why we found out the strong high tide crashing the shores. Anyway, we do enjoyed our time at Kerachut Beach and witnessed the crazy tides crashing the shores again and again.
After that, we discussed whether we have to walk back through the trails again or take a boat back to the start point. Luckily the "baywatch" or guard passed by and asked for our entry ticket. We asked him about the getting back to the start point on boat. Since we looked like chilren with a old man, he offered us RM30. We discussed again but that man disappeared. We had to go to the centre of Kerachut Beach where the guard house stands there. And it's different guard and he offered us RM70. >_<
Click this link to see my gallery; National Park : Kerachut Beach & Meromictic Lake. However, it's copyrighted, so if you want to use my photo, ask for my permission before you are going to use.
Not again, my former colleagues asked me whether I want to join them to Muka Head in July. @_@ The previous adventure was already enough tiring. Now they want to go again. Let me think, think and think over it first. =P
The Detective Conan manga book! ^_^ I'm really crazy about it... Although I do read online manga but still, I'd like to buy book...is a MUST... Hmm, it's for my collection and I can read them again and again anytime and anywhere. Reading the comic under the tree or lying on my bed to read... Hehe...Pretty easy and convenient for me.
Well, the status of Detective Conan is currently running in Japan, still... @_@ yeah and it is a really long series.. Hopefully it won't be the same with Naruto or Bleach... >_< But for Malaysia, it's slow as the Detective Conan need some time for its translation into Malay Language.
Oh, I placed my favourite comic books at this cabinet as shown in the picture. This cabinet has its own uniqueness in design. First time, I saw this cabinet left outside my house and see as if no one wants to own it, so I took it as my possession. Sorry, everyone in my house! Hehe.. My daddy was a bit sulky but still, he give away to me..Thanks, daddy!
My daddy found this cabinet, actually two sets of cabinets at rubbish area..My daddy saw those cabinet are really usable and being in a good condition, so he took them to home and cleaned them. My grandpa took one while I took one. Haiz, why many people like throwing ans wasting such good quality and usable things... If they don't want, they can send it for charity such like donating to orphanage or old folks homes.
My friend, John Choo and Thomas Ooi saw this cabinet in my room. They gave a good comment on this cabinet, which said this cabinet is nicely designed. They even insisted me into telling them where I bought this cabinet. -_- I told them my daddy found it at rubbish area and asked them to dig in and out at rubbish area to find any goods la... Hehehe
But haiz, the cabinet is quite small, I don't know whether this cabinet is able to fit to all the complete set of Detective Conan once the Detective Conan is officially ended one day...Later I will figure out how to solve this issue... Hehe...
Well, the status of Detective Conan is currently running in Japan, still... @_@ yeah and it is a really long series.. Hopefully it won't be the same with Naruto or Bleach... >_< But for Malaysia, it's slow as the Detective Conan need some time for its translation into Malay Language.
Oh, I placed my favourite comic books at this cabinet as shown in the picture. This cabinet has its own uniqueness in design. First time, I saw this cabinet left outside my house and see as if no one wants to own it, so I took it as my possession. Sorry, everyone in my house! Hehe.. My daddy was a bit sulky but still, he give away to me..Thanks, daddy!
My daddy found this cabinet, actually two sets of cabinets at rubbish area..My daddy saw those cabinet are really usable and being in a good condition, so he took them to home and cleaned them. My grandpa took one while I took one. Haiz, why many people like throwing ans wasting such good quality and usable things... If they don't want, they can send it for charity such like donating to orphanage or old folks homes.
My friend, John Choo and Thomas Ooi saw this cabinet in my room. They gave a good comment on this cabinet, which said this cabinet is nicely designed. They even insisted me into telling them where I bought this cabinet. -_- I told them my daddy found it at rubbish area and asked them to dig in and out at rubbish area to find any goods la... Hehehe
But haiz, the cabinet is quite small, I don't know whether this cabinet is able to fit to all the complete set of Detective Conan once the Detective Conan is officially ended one day...Later I will figure out how to solve this issue... Hehe...

Well, I am not a die-hard fan of Gatchaman or G- Force: Guardians of Space actually. I never watch or follow up every episode of this anime series. I only caught one scene or somewhat like that. However, I happened to spot somewhere on website and noticed a nice and well-designed banner of the CGI animated Gatchaman.
Gatchaman is the upcoming CGI movie based the anime series of the same name that would be completed and maybe released in 2009. Imagi Animation Studios who brought TMNT to live action in 2007 is working on Gatchaman.
Set in a future world grapping with environmental and technologies issue, the story focuses on five reluctant heroes whose remarkable genetic code makes them Earth's only hope of defeating the extra-terrestrial invaders.
According to source, it is said that will be a big, effects-rich movie with some of the most ambitious action sequences ever seen in animation. This movie also will focus on how the heroes eventually formed the Science Ninja Team before they were dispatched to hunt down the Galactor terrorist group.
What's more is that this movie could have a PG-13 rating since it will have a slight dark tone and will focus on some potentially violent themes. And also, it is believed to be a direct adaption of the original Japanese series rather than an adaptation of the aforementioned localized versions.
2009 is quite long... haiya, it is still in progress. =( Really can't wait to see...Hopefully time flies faster... =D
Oh yeah, I forgot to put the website for your viewing. Alright just click this Imagi to view more pictures. Enjoy it though there are not much pictures shown.The production is still in progress, right?

Last Saturday, I went to their wedding ceremony with my friends, Juliet, Robin, Sue, John, Nizam and Hai and at Seberang Perai Utara... really far @_@ Some of us don't know how to go there. Luckily, Auntie Jennie who the mother of the late ex classmate, Jessica See guided us how to go but when we arrive, there are something that is not right... No sign of any deafs shown there. Wondering why, later we learnt that we came to wrong address. Different place and different people. So
Finally reach at right place XD... Noticed got deaf friends there... shown we arrived at right place =P. Firstly, my friends and I have to see Roshaida before proceeding to meet the deaf friends. So then it's lunch time and I met many old deaf friends that I never meet for many years. I managed to talk to some of friends. At least, I do enjoyed my time during that time. =D
Not relieved yet, I was given an invitation again to Nur Hamidah's wedding ceremony on 1st June. @_@
Finally reach at right place XD... Noticed got deaf friends there... shown we arrived at right place =P. Firstly, my friends and I have to see Roshaida before proceeding to meet the deaf friends. So then it's lunch time and I met many old deaf friends that I never meet for many years. I managed to talk to some of friends. At least, I do enjoyed my time during that time. =D
Not relieved yet, I was given an invitation again to Nur Hamidah's wedding ceremony on 1st June. @_@
I'm getting sad and upset over my stupid handphone. This Sony Ericsson K800i is which I bought and own for 2 years . Now my handphone is a bit "physical - retarded" and broken yet it is still can be used. Only the joystick is completely broken and nut, only can move to right and to down. And also sometimes self-shutdown...Oh my gosh, why it happened like that?
One time, my handphone went crazy. Actually my handphone seems was working but when I came to online, my friend confronted me asking why I didn't reply his messages. I was shocked and stated that no messages received on that day. I borrowed the extra phones from my mother and found out that there really got messages. I feel funny as the signal in SE K800i was alright. So I masterly reset the handphone setting plus lost the GPRS setting. Aiyoo...I'm lazy to fix it. Hehe
Recently, I was thinking of wanting to buy a new handphone so I visited Sony Ericsson website. There are new handphones to be introduced but its date of release are still not announced yet. So I read those specifications to make survey and comparison. Upon learning the lesson I had with SE K800i, I decided not to buy the handphone with joystick.
In the SE wesbite, there are 2 types of handphones that grabbed my attention. They are SE C902 and G900. Those are available in red color. That's my favourite color ^_^
Sony Ericsson C902

Sony Ericsson C902 has a surprisingly small 2" 262K-color TFT display of QVGA resolution. As a camera-centric phone, the C902 bundles up a 5 megapixel auto-focus shooter offering a good range of niceties. Among them are face detection, image and video stabilizer, BestPic, auto-rotate, macro mode, photoflash LED etc.
Sony Ericsson G900

Sony Ericsson G900 is physically to the G700 with a 2.4" 262K-color TFT display of QVGA resolution. However the G900 has more to offer than its sibling - bringing Wi-Fi support and a 5 megapixel auto-foucs camera it looks set to cause high-tech high-end excitement.
As with the G700, UMTS support with video calls is also on board, along with stereo Bluetooth and an M2 memory card slot. Sony Ericsson also made a big deal of their Notes applications that allows you to organize your life with electronic yellow Sticky Notes.
Wow, there are a long list of specifications that those are featured. Some are totally different from the current and previous models. I don't know which one is the best. =S But one thing I only know that the price of those are not simply cheap..should be at least RM2K to 3K..@_@ Like that, I should save money from now on.. Expensive price but worthy to use. =P
You guys can share your opinions with me if you got any... Thanks!
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Greeting from Me!
Welcome to El Diablo Con Alas since you are at my blogsite.
I'll write what I like to. It may be anime review, some of useful tips/advice, and etc...
Enjoy your stay! And also comment if you've any opinion or words.
I'll write what I like to. It may be anime review, some of useful tips/advice, and etc...
Enjoy your stay! And also comment if you've any opinion or words.
Know about Me!

- Ezequiel Leversee
- Georgetown, Penang Island, Malaysia
- I'm Irvine, a deaf guy who a plain and simple designer from Malaysia. Perhaps I am not enough creative in graphic terms, but I'm still learning and learning. Anyway, nice to meet you! If you have any question, don't hestitate to contact me ^_^